Master Camille Pruckmuller appointed as TNZ Para Taekwondo Development Officer

TNZ is very proud to announce that Master Camille Pruckmuller has been appointed as TNZ Para Taekwondo Development Officer.

Camille is taking every opportunity to develop pathways and opportunities for our Para athletes. In building closer relationships with Paralympics NZ, Camille was asked to be part of the Para Sport Collective (PSC). Please read below the report from Camille about her recent camp with the PSC and for all those interested click here to learn all about the Para Sport Collective.


Thank you to TNZ for this opportunity.

I recently had the pleasure of attending the first NZ camp for PSC (Para sport collective) held in Auckland, at the AUT Millennium Sport complex.

The PSC aims to:

1. Enable and facilitate connections

2. To strengthen the Para sport pathways in a collaborative and sustainable way.

3. Provide access to knowledge and skills to support development

4. Increase the visibility of opportunities along the pathway to the Paralympic Games

5. Help develop capable and confident Para athletes and coaches

6. Help develop Pare athletes who are champions for the promotion of Para sport

I was amongst some of NZ” s top athletes and experts in their chosen fields. Dale Mac Donald (NZ cyclist) ran the camp with others from the PSC.

The camp is designed to open pathways for Para athletes and coaches to improve communication and raise their game and performances. We had an introduction to the performance planning. In the future we will be able to complete plans with our athletes alongside the PSC. The PSC will undertake facilitators and complete plans with athletes who are part of the collective. I now have a system to develop and to set up to follow for Taekwondo (and other sports) and of course a huge knowledge pool from athletes and coaches who “have been there and done it”

In the camp, we covered and listened to speakers from:

- Performance Planning time management

- Performance and Nutrition

- Drug-free sport NZ (now part of the Sport Integrity Commission)

- Yoga session for rest and reset

- Building strong foundations and more

Everything we covered can easily be adapted to any sport Para or Mainstream. I am very excited to carry this on and develop the next NZ Paralympians for TKD. With TNZ I would like to run a similar camp and invite all para players and coaches to come along. I understand the basic rules and classification methods, but we have 4 years to plan. Who’s with me?

Camille Pruckmuller Koryo Taekwondo NZ

4th Dan Master WT

TNZ Para Taekwondo Development Officer

Para Sport Collective member


International Referring: Master Sophia Haynes